Written by Craig B

How To Save A Dying Cactus



Saving a dying cactus can be challenging, but it is possible with the right care and attention. Here are steps to help you revive a struggling cactus:

  1. Assess the Damage: First, identify the specific issues that are causing your cactus to decline. Common problems include overwatering, underwatering, poor soil, pests, or disease. Identifying the root cause is crucial for effective treatment.
  2. Adjust Watering: Overwatering is a common cause of cactus problems. Ensure that your cactus is planted in well-draining soil, and water it only when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry. Reduce watering during the dormant period (usually in winter for most cacti).
  3. Check the Soil: Make sure your cactus is planted in a well-draining cactus mix or sandy soil. If the soil is retaining too much moisture, repot the cactus into well-draining soil.
  4. Inspect for Pests: Examine your cactus for signs of pests such as mealybugs, scale insects, or spider mites. If you notice any infestations, remove the pests by gently wiping them off with a soft brush or cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Isolate the affected cactus to prevent the infestation from spreading.
  5. Prune Damaged Areas: If your cactus has rotting or damaged sections, use a sterile knife or scissors to carefully trim away the affected parts. Allow the cut areas to callus over for a few days before replanting.
  6. Provide Adequate Light: Cacti require plenty of sunlight to thrive. Ensure your cactus is receiving sufficient light. Place it near a south or west-facing window or, if possible, move it outdoors during warm months. Gradually acclimate it to direct sunlight to prevent sunburn.
  7. Fertilize Sparingly: Fertilize your cactus sparingly, typically during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, diluted cactus fertilizer or a specialized fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package.
  8. Maintain Proper Temperature: Cacti are generally adapted to warm and arid conditions. Keep your cactus in a location with temperatures appropriate for its species. Protect it from cold drafts and extreme temperature fluctuations.
  9. Repot if Necessary: If your cactus is severely root-bound or if the soil has become compacted and non-draining, consider repotting it into a slightly larger container with fresh, well-draining soil.
  10. Be Patient: After taking corrective actions, it may take some time for your cactus to show signs of recovery. Be patient and continue to provide proper care.

It’s important to note that not all cacti can be saved, especially if they have suffered severe damage or disease. In some cases, you may need to accept that the cactus is beyond revival. However, with attentive care and timely intervention, many cacti can recover and thrive once again.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees
Written by Craig B

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees?

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees?


The best time to prune trees depends on the type of tree and the climate you live in.

In general, trees should be pruned during their dormant season, when they are not actively growing. This is usually in the winter or early spring, before the leaves start to bud. However, some trees, such as maples and oaks, can be pruned in the summer.

Here are some specific guidelines for pruning trees in different climates:

  • In cold climates: Prune trees in the winter, when the ground is frozen and the sap is not flowing. This will help to prevent the spread of disease.
  • In warm climates: Prune trees in the early spring, before the weather gets too hot. This will help to reduce stress on the tree.
  • In dry climates: Prune trees in the fall, after the rainy season. This will help to prevent the spread of diseases that thrive in wet conditions.

It is important to avoid pruning trees during periods of hot weather or drought, as this can stress the tree and make it more susceptible to disease.

Here are some tips for pruning trees safely and effectively:

  • Use sharp, clean tools.
  • Make cuts that are smooth and flush with the branch.
  • Do not remove more than one-third of the tree’s foliage at a time.
  • Dispose of pruning debris properly.

If you are not comfortable pruning trees yourself, it is best to hire a professional arborist.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when pruning trees:

  • The purpose of the pruning. Are you pruning to remove dead or diseased branches, to shape the tree, or to control its growth?
  • The health of the tree. If the tree is stressed or unhealthy, it is best to avoid pruning it.
  • The type of tree. Some trees, such as maples and oaks, bleed sap when they are pruned. Others, such as pines and spruces, do not.
  • The time of year. As mentioned earlier, the best time to prune trees varies depending on the climate and the type of tree.

By following these guidelines, you can prune your trees safely and effectively, keeping them healthy and looking their best.


If you have a tree that is suffering it can be a risk to your person, property, and your family. While saving every tree possible is the overall goal of a certified arborist, any tree that is dangerously damaged should be cut down. Don’t wait for wind, weather, or time to bring the tree down on your home, your vehicle, or someone enjoying being outdoors. Give us a call today to get your tree cared for right at 480-962-0701.

Written by Craig B

Getting Your Trees Ready For The Hot Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2023



If you are searching for “How To Get Your Trees Ready For Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2021” this is the guide for you. Summer in Arizona is famous for sunny days and intense heat. While we spend the summer staying cool inside with our AC the plants and trees in our landscapes do not enjoy such luxuries. To keep them healthy, strong, and beautiful there are some things to keep in mind.


The plant stock you choose should be of great quality and the type of trees you choose should be ones with lower growth amount along the main trunk. It’s very possible that if you choose the right type of trees for summer that you won’t even need guying or staking. When selecting trees at your local nursery it is important to choose drought resistant trees. These select species are better prepared to grow well in the heat of Phoenix. They are more forgiving for when people miss a watering and simply grow better because they are native either to Arizona or similar climates.


Avoid trees with long trunks like the one you see ones you see in the picture, instead, try trees with shorter trunks or trees that are native to the desert climate of Phoenix. These desert type trees are able to withstand more wind damage and are adapted to the Phoenix soil, the nearby pests and other factors usual in the desert climate of Arizona. It is also good to avoid any trees which will need a lot of water. Forgetting to water these trees will have consequences and they simply do not weather as well as desert trees. Choose options like the Palo Verde Tree, Sissoo Tree, or Tipu Tree which are accustomed to the intense heat of Arizona.


Trees should be planted in groups to add extra protection to the surrounding trees and other plants. The location in your landscape you plant your trees should take into consideration how much sun each species needs. Some types of trees enjoy full sun all day long, others will benefit from having some afternoon shade. Ensure that trees are not planted too close to the house, power lines, or other structures. Try to plan ahead for the full mature size of the tree when choosing a spot so you don’t have to over trim or remove the tree later.


Try not to prune too much after first planting the trees. They need all the energy they can get to ensure positive growth in the future. Do not remove the water sprouts. Look at the picture below. The water sprouts are the super small branches growing on the lower parts of the trunk and branches. These water sprouts are helpful to provide taper and additional strength to support the tree as it increases in weight over time. Water sprouts also help shade and prevent sun damage on the interior branches.


Phoenix Trim-A-Tree is your source for knowledgeable tree preparation for summer and general tree care. We can help take care of all the details to get your trees ready for summer. Our team is passionate about providing top notch tree trimming, tree care, and tree removal for trees which have died or have become unstable. If a tree falls in the woods, no one might hear it, but you will definitely hear it if one falls on your home or in your yard. Take the time to inspect your trees or have our team come and inspect them so you know what should be done to ensure the tree’s health and your safety. If you have questions about how to take care of your trees during the hot summer months or would like us to come take care of the job for you, give us a call!

Written by Craig B

Common Tree Issues



“What is wrong with my tree?” is one of the most highly asked questions by homeowners. Of course there is no one way we can answer this question for each and every individual. But, we can give you a strategy for observing your trees overall health to help you determine if it has a problem, and what you may be able to do to fix it. The life of a tree in poor health can often be if problems are caught soon enough. If you think the health of your tree is in question, we advise following a course of observation that examines the traits and attributes that indicate whether the tree is getting all of the necessities it needs, and whether it is being threatened by other, external forces.


Your first step is to review the tree in questions overall health. What species of tree is it? How old is the tree? Is the area where you live compatible with the tree’s needs? What are the elements of the hardscape? Are sidewalks, curbs, decks, pools, or sprinkler systems close enough that they affect the trees health?

Because a little less than three quarters of urban tree deaths could be attributed to root damage, it’s very important to note if any disruption has been done. Even if the disruption was done over five or six years in the past, it may be a significant factor in the health of the tree’s root system. Some trees start dying almost immediately if they suffer root damage. While other trees, can take up to five or more years before showing the effects of root damage. Sometimes people often fail to associate the decline in a tree’s health with changes in its root system. The health of a trees root system cannot be emphasized enough.


Once you find out the tree’s history and any changes in the hardscape noted, the tree can be inspected for clues to evaluate its overall health. Because so many threats start at the root crown, it is recommended look there first. Does the tree enter the ground at the same depth at which it was first planted? Is the root crown flare above ground and in fair condition? This area needs to be able to breathe, and if it is buried, it is vulnerable to intrusion by various insects, fungi, and microorganisms that flourish in moist, dark conditions.

As the inspection moves up the tree, the leaves are another way to evaluate the tree’s health. Leaves that are nice and healthy are bright, fresh, and hydrated. Leaves that curl indicate an insufficient supply of water, while leaves that are yellow indicate a lack of key nutrients. This is another factor that can be caused by root damage, or due to poor pruning.

When you follow this method of observation, you can assess the overall health of your trees, and identify the factors that are interrupting their health. Even if you can’t identify the causes of decline yourself, a certified arborist may be able to assist you in finding the source of the tree’s While no one person can answer “What’s wrong with my tree?” we can help you find answer the question yourself. The more knowledgeable about your trees, the healthier you can help them be.


If you have a tree that is suffering it can be a risk to your person, property, and your family. While saving every tree possible is the overall goal of a certified arborist, any tree that is dangerously damaged should be cut down. Don’t wait for wind, weather, or time to bring the tree down on your home, your vehicle, or someone enjoying being outdoors. Give us a call today to get your tree cared for right at 480-962-0701.

Oak Tree Removal Costs 2024
Written by Craig B

Resolving Tree Disputes

Tree Disputes


Should you be facing a situation with a neighbor where a tree is becoming an issue, read on to learn more regarding your options.

Can I Trim Branches From A Neighbors Tree That Overhangs My Yard?

Under law you can indeed trim branches that go beyond the neighbors property line and infringe on yours. This means you cannot enter the property of the neighbor or trim the tree on the neighbors side of the property line. If the tree is harmed you may be found liable for a fine up to and including three times the value of the tree. Landmark trees or trees for ornamental purposes may have a very high value, so be careful before deciding on a course of action.

Can I Eat The Fruit From A Tree Overhanging My Property?

The fruit from the tree belongs to the owner of the tree and courts have gone back and forth on deciding whether fallen fruit belongs to the owner or the person whose property the fruit falls on. The laws will depend on your location.

My Neighbor Blows Leaves Into My Yard. Is This Grounds For A Nuisance Claim?

Sadly not. Leaves are a natural product and even if they cause clogging to drains or guttering you have no recourse. You can however trim the branches of a tree that is shedding leaves up to the edge of your property line.

A Neighbor Killed A Tree On My Property When Clearing His Yard. Am I Entitled To Compensation?

Anyone who engages in injury to the tree, tree cutting or tree removal without the owner’s permission is liable for compensating the tree owner.

A Storm Knocked Down My Neighbor’s Tree Limb Onto My Property And It Damaged My Car, House And Yard Furniture. Are They Responsible For The Damages?

In most of these cases, the courts will probably apply what is known as a reasonable care standard. If your neighbor was not derelict in their duties to take care and maintain the tree branch and would not appear in the view of a reasonable person to be threatening to fall, then it is probable a court would not find the neighbor responsible. If the event could not have been foreseen or action taken to avoid the event occurring, it will be deemed an “Act Of God” and the neighbor will not be liable.

My Neighbors Tree Looks Like It’s Going To Fall On My House. What Should I Do?

The responsibility of maintaining trees falls upon the landowner. They have two legal responsibilities. Firstly, they make reasonable inspections with the purpose of ensuring the tree is safe. If the neighbor does not or will not remove the tree and damage is caused, your neighbor can be held responsible. If, having spoken to your neighbor, they do not do anything, you do have some laws that may offer protection. The tree may be considered a nuisance when it interferes with the enjoyment and use of your own property. The court may order the removal of the tree is a court finds it is a nuisance. Most cities have ordinances prohibiting property owners from maintaining conditions that may be considered dangerous on their property. In such cases, the municipality where you reside may order the neighbor to remove the tree or they may take it upon themselves to remove it. It may also be that one of the local utility companies will want the tree removed if it threatens any of their equipment or is a potential fire hazard.

The Spreading Of Tree Roots On My Land Damaged My Neighbors Septic Tank. Do I Have To Compensate My Neighbors?

In most states, the neighbor who has been aggrieved may trim the tree or cut the roots and will not have a claim against the owner of the tree. Yet some states maintain neighbors may sue if at least one of the following criteria is met:

  • A landowner may sue her neighbor to make that neighbor trims the branches of a tree that encroach the landowner’s property regardless of whether there is damage to the property or not.
  • Serious harm caused by encroaching tree roots or tree limbs may give rise to a lawsuit. “Serious harm” usually requires structural damage.
  • The neighbor may sue if an encroaching tree was planted.
  • A neighbor may only sue if the tree is noxious and is causing damage. “Noxious” means that the tree must be inherently poisonous or dangerous.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

Written by Craig B

Getting Your Trees Ready For The Hot Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2022



If you are searching for “How To Get Your Trees Ready For Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2021” this is the guide for you. Summer in Arizona is famous for sunny days and intense heat. While we spend the summer staying cool inside with our AC the plants and trees in our landscapes do not enjoy such luxuries. To keep them healthy, strong, and beautiful there are some things to keep in mind.


The plant stock you choose should be of great quality and the type of trees you choose should be ones with lower growth amount along the main trunk. It’s very possible that if you choose the right type of trees for summer that you won’t even need guying or staking. When selecting trees at your local nursery it is important to choose drought resistant trees. These select species are better prepared to grow well in the heat of Phoenix. They are more forgiving for when people miss a watering and simply grow better because they are native either to Arizona or similar climates.


Avoid trees with long trunks like the one you see ones you see in the picture, instead, try trees with shorter trunks or trees that are native to the desert climate of Phoenix. These desert type trees are able to withstand more wind damage and are adapted to the Phoenix soil, the nearby pests and other factors usual in the desert climate of Arizona. It is also good to avoid any trees which will need a lot of water. Forgetting to water these trees will have consequences and they simply do not weather as well as desert trees. Choose options like the Palo Verde Tree, Sissoo Tree, or Tipu Tree which are accustomed to the intense heat of Arizona.


Trees should be planted in groups to add extra protection to the surrounding trees and other plants. The location in your landscape you plant your trees should take into consideration how much sun each species needs. Some types of trees enjoy full sun all day long, others will benefit from having some afternoon shade. Ensure that trees are not planted too close to the house, power lines, or other structures. Try to plan ahead for the full mature size of the tree when choosing a spot so you don’t have to over trim or remove the tree later.


Try not to prune too much after first planting the trees. They need all the energy they can get to ensure positive growth in the future. Do not remove the water sprouts. Look at the picture below. The water sprouts are the super small branches growing on the lower parts of the trunk and branches. These water sprouts are helpful to provide taper and additional strength to support the tree as it increases in weight over time. Water sprouts also help shade and prevent sun damage on the interior branches.


Phoenix Trim-A-Tree is your source for knowledgeable tree preparation for summer and general tree care. We can help take care of all the details to get your trees ready for summer. Our team is passionate about providing top notch tree trimming, tree care, and tree removal for trees which have died or have become unstable. If a tree falls in the woods, no one might hear it, but you will definitely hear it if one falls on your home or in your yard. Take the time to inspect your trees or have our team come and inspect them so you know what should be done to ensure the tree’s health and your safety. If you have questions about how to take care of your trees during the hot summer months or would like us to come take care of the job for you, give us a call!

Written by Craig B

Getting Your Trees Ready For The Hot Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2021



If you are searching for “How To Get Your Trees Ready For Summer In Phoenix, AZ 2021” this is the guide for you. Summer in Arizona is famous for sunny days and intense heat. While we spend the summer staying cool inside with our AC the plants and trees in our landscapes do not enjoy such luxuries. To keep them healthy, strong, and beautiful there are some things to keep in mind.


The plant stock you choose should be of great quality and the type of trees you choose should be ones with lower growth amount along the main trunk. It’s very possible that if you choose the right type of trees for summer that you won’t even need guying or staking. When selecting trees at your local nursery it is important to choose drought resistant trees. These select species are better prepared to grow well in the heat of Phoenix. They are more forgiving for when people miss a watering and simply grow better because they are native either to Arizona or similar climates.


Avoid trees with long trunks like the one you see ones you see in the picture, instead, try trees with shorter trunks or trees that are native to the desert climate of Phoenix. These desert type trees are able to withstand more wind damage and are adapted to the Phoenix soil, the nearby pests and other factors usual in the desert climate of Arizona. It is also good to avoid any trees which will need a lot of water. Forgetting to water these trees will have consequences and they simply do not weather as well as desert trees. Choose options like the Palo Verde Tree, Sissoo Tree, or Tipu Tree which are accustomed to the intense heat of Arizona.


Trees should be planted in groups to add extra protection to the surrounding trees and other plants. The location in your landscape you plant your trees should take into consideration how much sun each species needs. Some types of trees enjoy full sun all day long, others will benefit from having some afternoon shade. Ensure that trees are not planted too close to the house, power lines, or other structures. Try to plan ahead for the full mature size of the tree when choosing a spot so you don’t have to over trim or remove the tree later.


Try not to prune too much after first planting the trees. They need all the energy they can get to ensure positive growth in the future. Do not remove the water sprouts. Look at the picture below. The water sprouts are the super small branches growing on the lower parts of the trunk and branches. These water sprouts are helpful to provide taper and additional strength to support the tree as it increases in weight over time. Water sprouts also help shade and prevent sun damage on the interior branches.


Phoenix Trim-A-Tree is your source for knowledgeable tree preparation for summer and general tree care. We can help take care of all the details to get your trees ready for summer. Our team is passionate about providing top notch tree trimming, tree care, and tree removal for trees which have died or have become unstable. If a tree falls in the woods, no one might hear it, but you will definitely hear it if one falls on your home or in your yard. Take the time to inspect your trees or have our team come and inspect them so you know what should be done to ensure the tree’s health and your safety. If you have questions about how to take care of your trees during the hot summer months or would like us to come take care of the job for you, give us a call!

When To Call An Arborist For A Tree Assessment
Written by Craig B

When To Call An Arborist For A Tree Assessment

When To Call An Arborist For A Tree Assessment


When to Get a Tree Assessment

With the intention of successfully assessing a tree, it should be examined at least twice a year; once in the winter season and once in the summer season. Throughout the winter, arborists can identify weakening branch structure, corrosion from animals, and possible decay since they are not covered by summer leaves.  Throughout the summer, arborists can examine the color of the leaves and the tree’s twig growth. Without having your trees adequately assessed could allow small issues to turn into serious problems that will impact the overall health of your trees.

Why You Should Get a Tree Assessment

An ordinary homeowner can’t locate possible issues with their trees like a certified and trained arborist.  An arborist can locate problems with disease, pests, and overall damage that will cause the state of the tree to become worse, potentially leading to a fallen tree.  A falling tree on your property is highly dangerous because it may result in major property damage in addition to serious injury or death.  Here are the primary reasons to get your trees assessed twice a year:

  • Safety: A falling tree, or just a branch, is a significant risk on your property. Yearly tree assessments will point out issues that may cause a tree or branch to fall, greatly reducing that risk.
  • Tree Aesthetics: Recommended treatments for diseases and insect infestations, fertilization, and pruning based on a tree assessment will help to enhance the aspect of the tree.
  • Tree Health: The aftermath of disease and harmful pests may be easily missed by an individual who isn’t trained to find them. Professional arborists can quickly point out the signs of a disease or infestation and without delay provide the correct treatment.

What is Included in a Tree Assessment?

When a certified arborist carries out a tree assessment, they’re in general looking for the following problems:

  • Cracks: Cracks on the tree are typical problems that arborists look for. Major cracks can split the bark, heartwood, and softwood, weakening the structural strength of the tree and making it susceptible to insects, decay, and disease.
  • Leaning: When the tree roots lose their connection to the soil; the tree could begin to lean. If the lean continually gets worse season after season, the tree will have to be removed.
  • Issues with Root Plate: Degradation or softening of the root plate may lead to a separation with the lateral root system, causing instability of the tree. Typical causes of root plate problems include deep planting, root disease, and mower blast.
  • Girdling Roots: Occasionally the tree roots can envelop the trunk and start fighting with the trunk over nutrients and water. The trunk and the roots will develop into each other and over time cause issues for the tree.
  • Decay: Decay happens when an ailment leads to the inner heartwood tissues softening.
  • Co-dominant Stems: When there are two likewise dominant terminal stems, one needs to be removed or they’ll challenge each other which will lead to one of them failing.
  • Disease and Insects: Tree disease and aggressive insects leave signs that are hard for homeowners to see, but a certified arborist will see the signs immediately. Discovering these problems early on will help prevent detrimental damage to the tree.
  • Growing Conditions: It’s vital for trees to have correct growing conditions for the prevention defects within the tree or it’s root system.
  • Non-defects: Occasionally homeowners could be concerned by non-defects, like needles turning yellow, foliage loss, and separating bark. Depending on the type of tree, these occurrences may be natural and nothing to worry about.

Call a Professional Tree Service Provider

While it is suggested to have your trees assessed once during the summer and once during the winter, professional tree service companies are year-round to offer assessments.  Be sure you contact a certified arborist if you think there might be something amiss with your trees.  They will strongly assess the issues and come up with solutions to restore the health of the trees.  Being precautionary with your trees assessment will not just maintain your trees, but will save you money by hindering property damage and tree removal costs.


  1. ArmstrongExpert, Luke. “When to Call an Arborist for a Tree Assessment.” RestorationMaster, 16 Mar. 2018,


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

Oak Tree Removal Costs 2024
Written by Craig B

Tree Disputes

Tree Disputes


Should you be facing a situation with a neighbor where a tree is becoming an issue, read on to learn more regarding your options.

Can I Trim Branches From A Neighbors Tree That Overhangs My Yard?

Under law you can indeed trim branches that go beyond the neighbors property line and infringe on yours. This means you cannot enter the property of the neighbor or trim the tree on the neighbors side of the property line. If the tree is harmed you may be found liable for a fine up to and including three times the value of the tree. Landmark trees or trees for ornamental purposes may have a very high value, so be careful before deciding on a course of action.

Can I Eat The Fruit From A Tree Overhanging My Property?

The fruit from the tree belongs to the owner of the tree and courts have gone back and forth on deciding whether fallen fruit belongs to the owner or the person whose property the fruit falls on. The laws will depend on your location.

My Neighbor Blows Leaves Into My Yard. Is This Grounds For A Nuisance Claim?

Sadly not. Leaves are a natural product and even if they cause clogging to drains or guttering you have no recourse. You can however trim the branches of a tree that is shedding leaves up to the edge of your property line.

A Neighbor Killed A Tree On My Property When Clearing His Yard. Am I Entitled To Compensation?

Anyone who engages in injury to the tree, tree cutting or tree removal without the owner’s permission is liable for compensating the tree owner.

A Storm Knocked Down My Neighbor’s Tree Limb Onto My Property And It Damaged My Car, House And Yard Furniture. Are They Responsible For The Damages?

In most of these cases, the courts will probably apply what is known as a reasonable care standard. If your neighbor was not derelict in their duties to take care and maintain the tree branch and would not appear in the view of a reasonable person to be threatening to fall, then it is probable a court would not find the neighbor responsible. If the event could not have been foreseen or action taken to avoid the event occurring, it will be deemed an “Act Of God” and the neighbor will not be liable.

My Neighbors Tree Looks Like It’s Going To Fall On My House. What Should I Do?

The responsibility of maintaining trees falls upon the landowner. They have two legal responsibilities. Firstly, they make reasonable inspections with the purpose of ensuring the tree is safe. If the neighbor does not or will not remove the tree and damage is caused, your neighbor can be held responsible. If, having spoken to your neighbor, they do not do anything, you do have some laws that may offer protection. The tree may be considered a nuisance when it interferes with the enjoyment and use of your own property. The court may order the removal of the tree is a court finds it is a nuisance. Most cities have ordinances prohibiting property owners from maintaining conditions that may be considered dangerous on their property. In such cases, the municipality where you reside may order the neighbor to remove the tree or they may take it upon themselves to remove it. It may also be that one of the local utility companies will want the tree removed if it threatens any of their equipment or is a potential fire hazard.

The Spreading Of Tree Roots On My Land Damaged My Neighbors Septic Tank. Do I Have To Compensate My Neighbors?

In most states, the neighbor who has been aggrieved may trim the tree or cut the roots and will not have a claim against the owner of the tree. Yet some states maintain neighbors may sue if at least one of the following criteria is met:

  • A landowner may sue her neighbor to make that neighbor trims the branches of a tree that encroach the landowner’s property regardless of whether there is damage to the property or not.
  • Serious harm caused by encroaching tree roots or tree limbs may give rise to a lawsuit. “Serious harm” usually requires structural damage.
  • The neighbor may sue if an encroaching tree was planted.
  • A neighbor may only sue if the tree is noxious and is causing damage. “Noxious” means that the tree must be inherently poisonous or dangerous.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

Written by webtechs

Fig Tree Care



Figs are one of the oldest cultivated crops and not to mention that they were a favorite for some of the oldest societies. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans enjoyed figs. A fig tree can grow between 10 feet to 30 feet tall and they have leaves that make them look really tropical. Read on to learn more!


Many fig tree types will grow anywhere. However, some will do better in a dry, hot climate such as in Mesa, Arizona. The Kadota and Conadria fig trees are two that do really well in the Arizona heat.


These will produce a large to medium sized fruit. The fruit will be yellow, and it is really sweet. The fruit from this fig tree will ripen best in a hot temperature area and in full sun. The Kadota fig tree is grown extensively and it is the most common fig type that you will find in a local grocery store.


These are the largest fig trees and it will have a very high sugar content. The fruit that is produced can be used to eat fresh or it makes a really great dried fruit. This fig also resists spoiling during rainy weather and has a small eye size. This helps with insect resistance.


Fig trees grow rather quickly and will end up around 25 feet tall. They also grow in width to about the same size as they are tall. Plan this into the location you choose for your fig tree. Don’t plant it in a spot where the full grown tree won’t fit well aesthetically or near power lines. Fig leaves are also quite large, sometimes reach as much as 10 inches in length and width. With leaves this large there’s no surprise that the fig tree is beloved for it’s fruit and the shade it provides.


There are normally two cycles of harvesting figs in a single year. The first crop is basically the maturation of any previously growing buds. The crop after it is actually the main crop, and this is where the fruit develops which is during spring and summer.


Depending on the fig tree that you get, you will have to consider the width where you will be planting the tree. A fig tree can grow quite large which can span between 10 feet to 30 feet. They can even be much wider than they are tall. Another thing to consider when picking where to plant your fig tree is that leaves do drop. The fig is deciduous and if you have a pool then you want to plant the tree as far away from the pool as possible or place it in the front yard. Fig trees require between 8 to 10 hours of full sun per day, so you will want to keep the fig tree away from the house or where I may be shaded. You also will need soil that drains quite well and sandy soils are best for a fig tree.


Just like with other trees that you want to plant within the desert, the time to plant a fig tree will be in the early spring or fall. This will give the root system a bit of time to mature and be ready for harsh summer weather that happens in Arizona.


During the average summer heat in Arizona, a fig tree will need to be watered every 3 to 5 days. If it is really hot and Arizona has set heat records, then water more often than that. If you are unsure if you tree needs to be watered, you can use a soil probe to find out. All trees will need to be watered to 3 feet each time that there is an irrigation event. There is not a set rule for how much water it will take to reach 3 feet because different soil types will take different times.


Most times fig trees that have been planted directly into the ground will not have a need for fertilization. The big exception is if they get planted in sandy soil. If you are unsure if the soil has the right nutrients, then you can have the soil tested by a lab. If the soil is deemed to be low in nutrients, then get a half a pound of nitrogen and then divide it into 3 different treatments. Apply the nitrogen during the months of growth which are May – June -July.


One of the best parts about growing a fig tree is that it hardly needs to be pruned. They only produce 2 crops during a single growing season and it is best that they get pruned after the second harvest. If you wait and then try to prune the fig tree during winter, then you risk removing some of the fruit that is already growing which would be part of your next harvest.


Luckily, within Arizona there are not as many pests as in other areas of the United States. There are three common pests that you may deal with when it comes to your fig tree. Gophers, green fig beetle and birds are very common for Arizona. In order to protect your fruit from birds and beetles, then you can cover the fruit with netting or bagging. There is very little to be done about gophers.


There are many fig tree owners that are really surprised with just how much fruit is produced once the tree has matured properly. It does take a couple of years after it is planted to get the tree to produce its first fruit. However, whenever it starts to get going, it really goes. Most owners scramble to hurry up and begin making jam, but the truth is there are a lot of things to do with figs.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

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