Oak Tree Removal Costs 2024
Written by Craig B

Oak Tree Removal Costs 2024

The cost of removing an oak tree can vary widely depending on several factors such as the size and condition of the tree, its location, accessibility, local labor rates, and any additional services required. Here’s a general overview of the potential costs associated with oak tree removal in 2024:

  1. Size of the Tree: The size of the oak tree is one of the most significant factors influencing the cost of removal. Larger trees generally require more labor, equipment, and time to remove, resulting in higher costs. The diameter, height, and canopy spread of the tree are important considerations.
  2. Location and Accessibility: The location of the oak tree and its accessibility to removal equipment can affect the overall cost. Trees located in tight spaces, close to buildings, power lines, or other structures may require more careful planning and specialized equipment, increasing the cost of removal.
  3. Condition of the Tree: The health and condition of the oak tree can impact the cost of removal. Diseased, damaged, or unstable trees may require additional precautions or techniques for safe removal, which can increase the overall cost.
  4. Stump Removal: Stump removal is often an additional service that may incur extra costs. The method used for stump removal, such as grinding or excavation, can influence the overall cost of tree removal.
  5. Debris Removal and Cleanup: The cost of removing and disposing of tree debris, such as branches, logs, and leaves, as well as site cleanup, may be included in the overall estimate or charged separately.
  6. Permits and Regulations: Depending on local regulations and ordinances, obtaining permits for tree removal may be required, which can add to the overall cost.
  7. Emergency Removal: If the oak tree poses an immediate safety hazard or needs to be removed urgently, emergency tree removal services may incur higher costs due to the expedited nature of the work.

As of 2024, the cost of removing an oak tree can range from a few hundred dollars for smaller trees to several thousand dollars for larger, more complex removals. It’s recommended to obtain quotes from reputable tree removal companies or arborists in your area to get an accurate estimate based on your specific requirements. Be sure to inquire about any additional fees or charges and ensure that the removal process complies with local regulations and environmental guidelines.

Can I Remove Oak Trees By Myself?

Removing oak trees by yourself is possible, but it’s important to consider several factors before attempting it:

  1. Tree Size: The size of the oak tree is crucial. Small oak trees with a trunk diameter of less than 6 inches may be manageable for removal by an experienced individual with the right tools and techniques. However, larger oak trees may require professional assistance due to their size and weight.
  2. Safety: Tree removal can be hazardous, especially when dealing with large trees. Falling branches, the tree itself, and improper use of tools can cause serious injury or property damage. Safety should be the top priority, and it’s essential to use appropriate safety gear and follow proper procedures.
  3. Tools and Equipment: You’ll need the right tools and equipment for the job, including chainsaws, ropes, ladders, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Additionally, if the tree is large, you may need heavy-duty equipment such as a winch or a crane to safely remove it.
  4. Knowledge and Skills: Removing a tree requires knowledge of tree anatomy, cutting techniques, and safety protocols. It’s crucial to understand how to safely fell a tree, make proper cuts, and manage potential hazards.
  5. Local Regulations: Before removing an oak tree, check local regulations and ordinances regarding tree removal. Some areas have restrictions or permits required for removing trees, especially if they are large or located in environmentally sensitive areas.
  6. Stump Removal: After felling the tree, you’ll need to decide how to deal with the stump. Stump removal can be challenging and may require specialized equipment such as a stump grinder.
  7. Disposal: Consider how you’ll dispose of the tree debris. Some municipalities have regulations regarding the disposal of tree waste, so it’s essential to plan accordingly.

If you’re unsure about removing an oak tree yourself or if the tree is large or poses risks to nearby structures or utilities, it’s best to hire a professional tree removal service or certified arborist. They have the expertise, experience, and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees while minimizing risks and property damage. Additionally, professional tree removal services can handle stump removal and debris cleanup, leaving your property safe and tidy.

Palm Tree Removal Costs 2024
Written by Craig B

Palm Tree Removal Costs 2024

The cost of palm tree removal can vary widely depending on factors such as the size and location of the tree, its accessibility, and any additional services required. Here are some estimated costs for palm tree removal:

  1. Small Palm Trees (Up to 10 feet): Removing a small palm tree typically costs between $100 and $300. These trees are relatively easy to remove, and the process usually involves cutting down the trunk and hauling away the debris.
  2. Medium Palm Trees (10 to 30 feet): Removing a medium-sized palm tree usually costs between $300 and $800. These trees may require more effort to remove, especially if they are located in a confined space or close to structures.
  3. Large Palm Trees (Over 30 feet): Removing a large palm tree can cost anywhere from $800 to $1,500 or more. These trees are more challenging to remove and may require specialized equipment such as cranes or cherry pickers to safely dismantle and remove.
  4. Stump Removal: In addition to tree removal, you may also need to have the stump removed. Stump removal costs vary depending on the size of the stump and the method used. Grinding is the most common method, with costs ranging from $75 to $300 per stump.
  5. Disposal: The cost of disposing of palm tree debris can vary depending on the amount of debris generated and local disposal fees. Some tree removal companies include disposal in their quote, while others may charge extra for hauling away the debris.
  6. Additional Services: Depending on your needs, you may require additional services such as tree limb trimming, pruning, or landscaping after the palm tree removal. These services can add to the overall cost of the project.

It’s essential to get multiple quotes from reputable tree removal companies to ensure you’re getting a fair price for the work. Be sure to inquire about the specifics of what is included in the quote, such as stump removal and debris disposal, to avoid any surprises later on. Additionally, make sure the company is licensed, insured, and experienced in palm tree removal to ensure the job is done safely and effectively.



If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees
Written by Craig B

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees?

When Is The Best Time To Prune Trees?


The best time to prune trees depends on the type of tree and the climate you live in.

In general, trees should be pruned during their dormant season, when they are not actively growing. This is usually in the winter or early spring, before the leaves start to bud. However, some trees, such as maples and oaks, can be pruned in the summer.

Here are some specific guidelines for pruning trees in different climates:

  • In cold climates: Prune trees in the winter, when the ground is frozen and the sap is not flowing. This will help to prevent the spread of disease.
  • In warm climates: Prune trees in the early spring, before the weather gets too hot. This will help to reduce stress on the tree.
  • In dry climates: Prune trees in the fall, after the rainy season. This will help to prevent the spread of diseases that thrive in wet conditions.

It is important to avoid pruning trees during periods of hot weather or drought, as this can stress the tree and make it more susceptible to disease.

Here are some tips for pruning trees safely and effectively:

  • Use sharp, clean tools.
  • Make cuts that are smooth and flush with the branch.
  • Do not remove more than one-third of the tree’s foliage at a time.
  • Dispose of pruning debris properly.

If you are not comfortable pruning trees yourself, it is best to hire a professional arborist.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when pruning trees:

  • The purpose of the pruning. Are you pruning to remove dead or diseased branches, to shape the tree, or to control its growth?
  • The health of the tree. If the tree is stressed or unhealthy, it is best to avoid pruning it.
  • The type of tree. Some trees, such as maples and oaks, bleed sap when they are pruned. Others, such as pines and spruces, do not.
  • The time of year. As mentioned earlier, the best time to prune trees varies depending on the climate and the type of tree.

By following these guidelines, you can prune your trees safely and effectively, keeping them healthy and looking their best.


If you have a tree that is suffering it can be a risk to your person, property, and your family. While saving every tree possible is the overall goal of a certified arborist, any tree that is dangerously damaged should be cut down. Don’t wait for wind, weather, or time to bring the tree down on your home, your vehicle, or someone enjoying being outdoors. Give us a call today to get your tree cared for right at 480-962-0701.

Tree Service Costs 2022 (Estimates & Average Cost)
Written by Craig B

Tree Service Costs 2023 (Estimates & Average Cost)



Tree services in 2023 will cost you around $50 to $1500 with an average cost of $775 depending on the type of tree service you need. See below for the list of tree services and costs associated with them.

Keeping your trees, bushes, and landscape isn’t just about having a more visually attractive yard but it can also help increase your property value and help prevent damages to your home. Trees near the house that have not been trimmed and maintained can cause sever damage to the roof if branches break loose and fall. Even having small branches and excess leaves on the roof can cause gutters to back up and lead to leaks in your roof. Having professional tree service is the best way to get the job done, have a more beautiful yard and keep your home safe. Knowing what it will cost helps protect consumers from getting gouged. This is our tree service cost guide for 2016. It includes the estimates for each type of service and the average costs.



Tree trimming involves the shaping of a plant to achieve a certain design and structure. The art of Topiary is the art of clipping trees to create ornamental designs. Trimming is a part of this process. This is a popular option for people wanting to shape their trees into geometric shapes to set their property apart. It can also be applied to hedges and other plants. A good example most people know for trimming is the shaping of the Japanese Bonsai tree.


  • Trimming a tree that is 30ft tall or less will cost you around $80 to $475 with an average cost of $277.50
  • Trimming a tree that is 30ft to 60ft will cost you around $145 to $900 with an average cost of $522.50
  • Trimming a tree that is 60ft or taller will cost you around $200 to $1,000 with an average cost of $600.00



Tree pruning is similar to trimming, yet it is much more selective. When experts prune a tree the buds, twigs, roots, and branches all play a part in enhancing and creating the intended shape of the tree. Pruning generally results in more open structures between branches, in contrast to trimming which can create tight groupings of branches, twigs, and leaf cover. Pruning trees also involved identifying dead or diseased branches from your tree or plants. This keeps the whole tree healthier.

Tree Pruning Costs in 2016 were around $180 to $650 with an average cost of $415.



Many projects that involve heavy machinery on a property or remodeling projects that expand the footprint of the house require tree removal. Trees also get diseased and die in our yards, either from drying out, over watering or having an excess of pests. When trees are dead in on our properties they pose serious risk to properties near them. The wind can kick up and land that once beautiful and giant Oak tree right onto your roof, your car, or the neighbor’s property. It is best to get rid of trees that pose risks or are preventing the expansion of commercial or residential properties.

Removing a tree that is 25 ft tall or less will cost you around $145 to $510 with an average cost of $327.50.
Removing a tree that is 25ft to 75ft will cost you around $210 to $1,050 with an average cost of $630.
Tree removals on trees that are 75t or taller will cost you around $1,000 to $1,500 with an average cost of $1,250.



Once the limbs, branches, and twigs are removed from the trunk of the tree you have a large, heavy monolith standing in your yard. Safe removal of the trunk is the most critical part of the tree removal process. Safe removal is done in sections with lifts or cranes. Simply letting sections of large trunk fall to the ground is unsafe for workers, and unsafe for the property. Trunk sections are either loaded into the chipper or larger sections are hauled off by trucks or trailers.




Most homeowners don’t want to just stack up the limbs, branches, and trunk of a tree that is cut down on their property. It takes up space and wood piles tend to attract termites. Professional tree removal generally includes the limb chipping and removal of all the cut tree material. Even when you have trees pruned or trimmed chipping is a normal part of the process to help remove the materials from your property and leave it beautiful and clean.



Trees can be wide growing shade giving beloved elements of any landscape. However we have power lines, phone lines, houses, and other things that it would be better if the limbs of trees do not make contract with or hang over. Most power and phone companies offer free limb removal if your tree is interfering with the lines. If that isn’t the case, or you want professional limb removal around these areas you can hire a tree trimming company. They will remove limbs that are reaching out for things that you don’t want damaged. They will also have your wishes in mind in the way that limbs are removed near power lines and won’t take the easy, chop everything away, approach.



Professional tree removal usually involves the removal the trees in sections until the ground is reached. This is done to control the removal of large and heavy sections that could fall and pose a risk to property or people in the area. This leaves a stump that many homeowners want removed. A specialized machine called a tree stump grinder is used to completely erase the tree’s stump from your yard. Even if you have had a stump in your yard from the last homeowners or cut the tree down yourself having professional stump grinding takes saves you a lot of frustration and work. Stumps are incredibly tough and stubborn.



Professional tree service labor requires training for safe use of the chainsaws, trimming equipment, lifts, cranes and all the equipment used to work on trees. It also involves detailed training on how to prune and trim trees properly to achieve the desired shapes and encourage growth without stunting the tree. Quality tree service is done by these highly trained professionals and their helpers. Safe tree removal takes a team of people working on and off the ground.



Some homeowners are weekend warriors and love the feeling of accomplishment when they care for the property they own. A lot of jobs are within the breadth of the homeowner but do require time and specialized tools. If you want to trimming your tree yourself you will need to get the right tools to make the job easier and safe. Simply walking out your down with an axe like Paul Bunyan isn’t a winning plan. Getting a lopper, pruner, and pole runner is just some of the tools you will need to do the job of a professional tree trimmer.

  • How much does it cost to buy a standard pruner or lopper in 2016? $150 to $180 with an average cost of $165
  • How much does it cost to buy a pole runner in 2016? $45 to $60 with an average cost of $52.50


Written by Craig B

Oak Tree Removal Costs 2023



The average cost to remove an oak tree in Phoenix is $600 in 2022. Pine tree removal costs range from $200 to $1,000 nationally for the US in 2022. For small oak trees, removal costs about $200. For giant oak trees, you can pay $1,500 dollars or more. As oak trees easily grow 60 feet and upwards they are pricier to remove than other trees because of their large density.

Larger oak trees (more than 80 feet) will cost an average of $1,500 because of the dangerous nature of the work involved in the removal process. The professionals wear high-quality safety gear to make sure they avoid injury by following all the safety regulations.

  • The cost of stump removal averages $2.50 per inch of the stump with prices ranging from $2 to $3 per inch of diameter. Some companies have a minimum charge of $100 per stump. Others charge by the stump. For example, $150 for the first stump and a lower rate, perhaps $50 for additional stumps.
  • The cost of removal can add an average of $50 for haulage charges.
  • The cost of log splitting (oak can make good firewood) is often charged additionally and averages around $75.
  • The cost of chipping averages $113 with costs ranging from $65 to $150.
  • The cost for land clearance if you have a large area with many stumps to be removed may be charged on an hourly basis with an average of $150 per hour depending on the diameter of the tree stumps to be removed.


There are nearly a dozen types of oak trees in Arizona but here are the most popular include the following.

ARIZONA WHITE – The largest oak in the southwest United States reaching in excess of 60 feet tall with trunk diameters up to three feet.

EMORY – From the size of a large shrub to more than 50 feet and sporting a trunk diameter of up to two and a half feet.

SILVERLEAF – This can grow as a shrub or a tree reaching heights of 30 feet with a trunk in excess of two feet in diameter.

SHRUB – Normally up to a height of eight feet.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

How Much Does Eucalyptus Tree Removal Cost 2021
Written by Craig B

Eucalyptus Tree Removal Costs 2023



The average cost of eucalyptus tree removal is $1,950. Eucalyptus tree removal costs ranged from $1,300 to $1,800 for the US for 2022.

Additional items that can add to the total cost of your eucalyptus tree removal, including the following.

HAUL AWAY TRUNK – You could pay up to $250 more to have the trunk sections hauled away as well.

MILEAGE – There is usually a charge for travel and mileage when eucalyptus tree removal services have to come from outside of the immediate area.

STUMP REMOVAL – You can expect to pay an additional $74 to $215 If you’d like the stump to be ground away.


Native to Australia, there are three main kinds of Eucalyptus Trees- all of the mare long living, feature bark that exfoliates and their leaves have that familiar eucalyptus aroma.

MALLET EUCALYPTUS TREES – Easy to spot because of their notable space between branches that angle upwards, away from the central trunk of the tree, therefore letting light to filter between the branches. Two popular examples are the red-spotted gum tree and the sugar gum tree. Both of them can reach heights of 50-60 feet, and they thrive in warmer USDA plant hardiness areas in zones 9 and 10.

MARLOCK EUCALYPTUS TREES – Offering dense foliage nearly reaching the ground, this kind of eucalyptus offers oval leaves and line colored flowers. Known as one of the more hardier kinds of eucalyptus tree it will grow quite contentedly in USDA zones 7 and 8.

MALLEE EUCALYPTUS TREES – These eucalyptus trees can almost look shrub-like in their appearance and are usually under ten feet in height. It can also be recognized by its bushy experience and many stems.


Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees are capable of becoming invasive if they escape cultivation. These trees can shade out native plants when they grow in the wild. Another issue is the pungent oils from the leaves of eucalyptus trees are flammable and can become fire hazards when they are located in forests or planted together.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

Written by Craig B

Common Tree Issues



“What is wrong with my tree?” is one of the most highly asked questions by homeowners. Of course there is no one way we can answer this question for each and every individual. But, we can give you a strategy for observing your trees overall health to help you determine if it has a problem, and what you may be able to do to fix it. The life of a tree in poor health can often be if problems are caught soon enough. If you think the health of your tree is in question, we advise following a course of observation that examines the traits and attributes that indicate whether the tree is getting all of the necessities it needs, and whether it is being threatened by other, external forces.


Your first step is to review the tree in questions overall health. What species of tree is it? How old is the tree? Is the area where you live compatible with the tree’s needs? What are the elements of the hardscape? Are sidewalks, curbs, decks, pools, or sprinkler systems close enough that they affect the trees health?

Because a little less than three quarters of urban tree deaths could be attributed to root damage, it’s very important to note if any disruption has been done. Even if the disruption was done over five or six years in the past, it may be a significant factor in the health of the tree’s root system. Some trees start dying almost immediately if they suffer root damage. While other trees, can take up to five or more years before showing the effects of root damage. Sometimes people often fail to associate the decline in a tree’s health with changes in its root system. The health of a trees root system cannot be emphasized enough.


Once you find out the tree’s history and any changes in the hardscape noted, the tree can be inspected for clues to evaluate its overall health. Because so many threats start at the root crown, it is recommended look there first. Does the tree enter the ground at the same depth at which it was first planted? Is the root crown flare above ground and in fair condition? This area needs to be able to breathe, and if it is buried, it is vulnerable to intrusion by various insects, fungi, and microorganisms that flourish in moist, dark conditions.

As the inspection moves up the tree, the leaves are another way to evaluate the tree’s health. Leaves that are nice and healthy are bright, fresh, and hydrated. Leaves that curl indicate an insufficient supply of water, while leaves that are yellow indicate a lack of key nutrients. This is another factor that can be caused by root damage, or due to poor pruning.

When you follow this method of observation, you can assess the overall health of your trees, and identify the factors that are interrupting their health. Even if you can’t identify the causes of decline yourself, a certified arborist may be able to assist you in finding the source of the tree’s While no one person can answer “What’s wrong with my tree?” we can help you find answer the question yourself. The more knowledgeable about your trees, the healthier you can help them be.


If you have a tree that is suffering it can be a risk to your person, property, and your family. While saving every tree possible is the overall goal of a certified arborist, any tree that is dangerously damaged should be cut down. Don’t wait for wind, weather, or time to bring the tree down on your home, your vehicle, or someone enjoying being outdoors. Give us a call today to get your tree cared for right at 480-962-0701.

Tree Service Costs 2022 (Estimates & Average Cost)
Written by Craig B

Tree Service Costs 2022 (Estimates & Average Cost)



Tree services in 2021 will cost you around $50 to $1500 with an average cost of $775 depending on the type of tree service you need. See below for the list of tree services and costs associated with them.

Keeping your trees, bushes, and landscape isn’t just about having a more visually attractive yard but it can also help increase your property value and help prevent damages to your home. Trees near the house that have not been trimmed and maintained can cause sever damage to the roof if branches break loose and fall. Even having small branches and excess leaves on the roof can cause gutters to back up and lead to leaks in your roof. Having professional tree service is the best way to get the job done, have a more beautiful yard and keep your home safe. Knowing what it will cost helps protect consumers from getting gouged. This is our tree service cost guide for 2016. It includes the estimates for each type of service and the average costs.



Tree trimming involves the shaping of a plant to achieve a certain design and structure. The art of Topiary is the art of clipping trees to create ornamental designs. Trimming is a part of this process. This is a popular option for people wanting to shape their trees into geometric shapes to set their property apart. It can also be applied to hedges and other plants. A good example most people know for trimming is the shaping of the Japanese Bonsai tree.

Tree trimming costs in 2016 were around $80 to $1,000 with an average tree trimming cost of $540.

  • Trimming a tree that is 30ft tall or less will cost you around $80 to $475 with an average cost of $277.50
  • Trimming a tree that is 30ft to 60ft will cost you around $145 to $900 with an average cost of $522.50
  • Trimming a tree that is 60ft or taller will cost you around $200 to $1,000 with an average cost of $600.00



Tree pruning is similar to trimming, yet it is much more selective. When experts prune a tree the buds, twigs, roots, and branches all play a part in enhancing and creating the intended shape of the tree. Pruning generally results in more open structures between branches, in contrast to trimming which can create tight groupings of branches, twigs, and leaf cover. Pruning trees also involved identifying dead or diseased branches from your tree or plants. This keeps the whole tree healthier.

Tree Pruning Costs in 2016 were around $180 to $650 with an average cost of $415.



Many projects that involve heavy machinery on a property or remodeling projects that expand the footprint of the house require tree removal. Trees also get diseased and die in our yards, either from drying out, over watering or having an excess of pests. When trees are dead in on our properties they pose serious risk to properties near them. The wind can kick up and land that once beautiful and giant Oak tree right onto your roof, your car, or the neighbor’s property. It is best to get rid of trees that pose risks or are preventing the expansion of commercial or residential properties.

Tree Removal Costs In 2016 were around $160 to $1,600 with an average tree removal cost of $880.

Removing a tree that is 25 ft tall or less will cost you around $145 to $510 with an average cost of $327.50.
Removing a tree that is 25ft to 75ft will cost you around $210 to $1,050 with an average cost of $630.
Tree removals on trees that are 75t or taller will cost you around $1,000 to $1,500 with an average cost of $1,250.



Once the limbs, branches, and twigs are removed from the trunk of the tree you have a large, heavy monolith standing in your yard. Safe removal of the trunk is the most critical part of the tree removal process. Safe removal is done in sections with lifts or cranes. Simply letting sections of large trunk fall to the ground is unsafe for workers, and unsafe for the property. Trunk sections are either loaded into the chipper or larger sections are hauled off by trucks or trailers.

Tree trunk removal or tree stump removal costs in 2016 were around $50 to $350 with an average tree trunk removal cost of $200.



Most homeowners don’t want to just stack up the limbs, branches, and trunk of a tree that is cut down on their property. It takes up space and wood piles tend to attract termites. Professional tree removal generally includes the limb chipping and removal of all the cut tree material. Even when you have trees pruned or trimmed chipping is a normal part of the process to help remove the materials from your property and leave it beautiful and clean.

Tree chipping costs in 2016 we around $75 to $150 with an average tree chipping cost of $112.50.



Trees can be wide growing shade giving beloved elements of any landscape. However we have power lines, phone lines, houses, and other things that it would be better if the limbs of trees do not make contract with or hang over. Most power and phone companies offer free limb removal if your tree is interfering with the lines. If that isn’t the case, or you want professional limb removal around these areas you can hire a tree trimming company. They will remove limbs that are reaching out for things that you don’t want damaged. They will also have your wishes in mind in the way that limbs are removed near power lines and won’t take the easy, chop everything away, approach.

Tree limb removal costs in 2016 were $500 to $1,000 with an average tree limb removal cost of $750.



Professional tree removal usually involves the removal the trees in sections until the ground is reached. This is done to control the removal of large and heavy sections that could fall and pose a risk to property or people in the area. This leaves a stump that many homeowners want removed. A specialized machine called a tree stump grinder is used to completely erase the tree’s stump from your yard. Even if you have had a stump in your yard from the last homeowners or cut the tree down yourself having professional stump grinding takes saves you a lot of frustration and work. Stumps are incredibly tough and stubborn.

Tree stump grinding costs in 2016 were around $75-$1,000 with an average tree stump grinding cost of $537.50.



Professional tree service labor requires training for safe use of the chainsaws, trimming equipment, lifts, cranes and all the equipment used to work on trees. It also involves detailed training on how to prune and trim trees properly to achieve the desired shapes and encourage growth without stunting the tree. Quality tree service is done by these highly trained professionals and their helpers. Safe tree removal takes a team of people working on and off the ground.

Tree service labor costs in 2016 were around $125 to $250 an hour with an average hourly labor cost of $187.50 an hour.



Some homeowners are weekend warriors and love the feeling of accomplishment when they care for the property they own. A lot of jobs are within the breadth of the homeowner but do require time and specialized tools. If you want to trimming your tree yourself you will need to get the right tools to make the job easier and safe. Simply walking out your down with an axe like Paul Bunyan isn’t a winning plan. Getting a lopper, pruner, and pole runner is just some of the tools you will need to do the job of a professional tree trimmer.

DIY tree trimming costs in 2016 were around $40 to $230 with an average DIY tree trimming cost of $135.

  • How much does it cost to buy a standard pruner or lopper in 2016? $150 to $180 with an average cost of $165
  • How much does it cost to buy a pole runner in 2016? $45 to $60 with an average cost of $52.50


How Much Does Eucalyptus Tree Removal Cost 2021
Written by Craig B

Eucalyptus Tree Removal Costs 2022



The average cost of eucalyptus tree removal is $1,950. Eucalyptus tree removal costs ranged from $1,300 to $1,800 for the US for 2022.

Additional items that can add to the total cost of your eucalyptus tree removal, including the following.

HAUL AWAY TRUNK – You could pay up to $250 more to have the trunk sections hauled away as well.

MILEAGE – There is usually a charge for travel and mileage when eucalyptus tree removal services have to come from outside of the immediate area.

STUMP REMOVAL – You can expect to pay an additional $74 to $215 If you’d like the stump to be ground away.


Native to Australia, there are three main kinds of Eucalyptus Trees- all of the mare long living, feature bark that exfoliates and their leaves have that familiar eucalyptus aroma.

MALLET EUCALYPTUS TREES – Easy to spot because of their notable space between branches that angle upwards, away from the central trunk of the tree, therefore letting light to filter between the branches. Two popular examples are the red-spotted gum tree and the sugar gum tree. Both of them can reach heights of 50-60 feet, and they thrive in warmer USDA plant hardiness areas in zones 9 and 10.

MARLOCK EUCALYPTUS TREES – Offering dense foliage nearly reaching the ground, this kind of eucalyptus offers oval leaves and line colored flowers. Known as one of the more hardier kinds of eucalyptus tree it will grow quite contentedly in USDA zones 7 and 8.

MALLEE EUCALYPTUS TREES – These eucalyptus trees can almost look shrub-like in their appearance and are usually under ten feet in height. It can also be recognized by its bushy experience and many stems.


Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees are capable of becoming invasive if they escape cultivation. These trees can shade out native plants when they grow in the wild. Another issue is the pungent oils from the leaves of eucalyptus trees are flammable and can become fire hazards when they are located in forests or planted together.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

How Much Does Pine Tree Removal Cost 2021
Written by Craig B

Pine Tree Removal Costs 2022



The average cost to remove a pine tree in Phoenix is $850. Pine tree removal costs range from $200 to $1,500. For small pine trees, removal costs about $200. For giant pine trees, you can pay $1,500 dollars or more. As pine trees easily grow upwards of 60 feet and in some cases up to 80 feet, they are among the densest and largest growing trees out there. Larger pine trees above 80-90 feet will cost an average of $1,500 because of the potential danger of the work involved in the removal process. Many pine trees require extra labor for a safe removal to be performed because of removing branches with cones and needles. The professionals have to sport a great deal of safety gear to make sure they avoid getting pine caught in their eyes and scratches to their skin.


  • The cost of chipping averages $113 with costs ranging from $65 to $150.
  • The cost of log splitting (pine usually makes good firewood) is often charged additionally and averages around $75.
  • The cost of removal can add an average of $50 for haulage charges.
  • The cost of stump removal averages $2.50 per inch of the stump with prices ranging from $2 to $3 per inch of diameter. Some companies have a minimum charge of $100 per stump. Others charge by the stump. For example, $150 for the first stump and a lower rate, perhaps $50 for additional stumps.
  • The cost for land clearance if you have a large area with many stumps to be removed may be charged on an hourly basis with an average of $150 per hour depending on the diameter of the tree stumps to be removed.


Many pine trees are native to Arizona. Here are some that may be on your property.

PONDEROSA PINE – Very popular in the altitude and climates of northern Arizona, they can grow to over 125 feet in height. It is much desired for timber.

COLORADO PINION – Well known for producing a delicious nut, they can be found between altitudes of 4,000 to 7,000 feet. It’s nut bearing cousin, the Mexcian Pinion is found at similar elevations in the southern part of Arizona.

BRISTLECONE PINE – The Grand-Daddy of them all. Amazingly they can live to over 4000 years old in part because they only survive at elevations of 9,500 to 12,000 feet.

LIMBER PINE – Noted for its drooping limbs, they are found high in the mountains at elevations above 8,000 feet.

SOUTHWESTERN WHITE PINE – Bordering southern Arizona and northern Mexico, they distinguish themselves from a lack of stomata on the back of the leaves. But you have to hike to find them, as they reside at altitudes of 6,5000 to 10,000 feet.

CHIHUAHUAN PINE – Native to the south of the White River and in the Santa Catalina and Santa Rita Mountains, this tree is found on the dry sloped between 5,000 and 7,500 feet.

APACHE PINE – Noted for its extremely long needles, it looks somewhat similar to many of the pines found in the southeastern United States. Native to the southern part of Arizona at the lower elevations of the mountain ranges.


Pine trees can leave the soil in an acidic state after removal. Add lime to change the pH level of the soil while it rests over the rest of the year.


If you own a property in the Phoenix Valley our team of trained, licensed, and insured tree cutting professionals will cut down and remove your tree safely and affordable. Every one of our skilled technicians understands our safe tree removal and cutting protocols and work together to get the job done quickly and safely. Keeping your property in the best condition possible while removing the tree is also our top priority. We remove the tree, clean up the mess, and leave your property in great condition.

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